
So my second year, first semester of exams has started.
Todays' paper was Separation Process 1, didn't go well.
Every question was left hanging halfway.
As usual, didn't know I had to answer only 3 out of the 4 questions. Anyway, it didn't harm if i did 4(maybe equivalent to only 1 when all the
answers i wrote are added up), because the best 3 out of the 4 questions answered will be considered.
No wonder i didn't have enough time to finish the exam, was panicking towards the last half hour of the exam.
Negative thoughts started pouring in.
Thought that i wasn't suit to be in engineering, thought that my chances for the exchange program to the UK Campus is nil,
thought that i would fail this exam and had to resit for it.

Did i study hard? Yes i did. Did i try my best? Certainly. Who to blame? Nobody but myself.

Coursemates said that the paper was difficult anyway, sure made me feel a little better.

Felt disappointed since some of the questions were repeated from the Past Year Paper.
I absolutely did all the past year questions, but somehow i just forgotten at the last minute.

Preparing for the next paper now. Will continue to try my best : /

Particle Mechanics was good today. As expected, questions consisted mostly of definitions and explanation.
We were told beforehand that we had to memorise the equations, they are not provided in the exams.

Before entering the exam hall, everybody could be seen memorising their equations, murmuring, moving their lips without making any noises,
staring blankly at the ceiling or the wall, trying to memorise ALL THOSE equations.

After all the effort of memorising those bloody equations, I remembered only solving one question using an equation. Besides that, that particular equation was provided.

2 more papers to go before i can revert back to the old me. I miss doing normal things and basketball.


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