
Autumn - pleasant yet beautiful
If only there was somebody to share with

Well, it used to be Virgo.

But soon He learnt to grow out of it, due to distance and miscommunication.

So cold, so far away, He didn't know much about Virgo, He wanted to know more, but He couldn't. He didn't try hard enough.

Then, it was Taurus.

Who He had no interest in the beginning. He knew He didn't have the chance, Taurus was already picked.

No intention.

Constant meeting, chatting and talking.

The water slowly took its shape,

Heartstrings were pulled.

Constant pushing and pestering, the water flowed down the valley.

Misunderstanding, naive, weak, virgin.

The ship sank, a barrier built, spilt milk everywhere.

Why initially?

Desperation? Naive? Confused? Immature. Definitely.


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