With the recent hike in crime rates in our country, don't you wish superheroes really exists? Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Superman, The Avengers, and the latest superhero... ShoppingMallCarParkMan? People being robbed and hurt at shopping mall carparks; girl escapes rapists by jumping out of moving car; old woman falls and knocks her head because of bloody snatch thieves... Today, these heartless, uncivilised men will resort to anything just to steal from the innocent people. "NO MONEY, NO TALK!" is the rule they abide by. If you don't have money, they will hurt you or kill you. You may think that this is none of your business as you just read it off the newspaper or website yesterday. But once it happens to you or your family member, you wished you took up Tae-kwon-do lessons and executed some moves to kick that bastards ass. Well, I'm glad and grateful that I have not met with any of these crisis. Scary how crime can happen anywhere anytime...