Last two weeks, I decided to take part in the 3 on 3 basketball competition held by the Nottingham University Basketball Club. I gathered my teammates, and decided to name our team the "Final Year Ballers". Obviously, from the name itself, you'd guess that we were all in our final years. I thought, since this will be my final year in university, why not take part in these activities as I will definitely miss them in the future. There were a total of 12 teams who took part in the tourney. There was even a 3 point shoot out. I only made 4 baskets out of 20. The winner made 5, and he won a club tee. In the first round, we won 2 games and lost one. We nearly lost our first match, but thanks to Alex's last 3-pointer before the time was up, we won by a point. We won the second game, then lost the third one to this group below. Runner Up - Allstars(didn't know their names); Alex, me and Steve Turns out that we met them in the finals and won th...